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28.Feb.22 X4: Foundations 5.00 RC 1 now available  (86 Comentarios)
We're only two weeks away from the release of the new X4: Tides of Avarice expansion and the accompanying major update for X4: Foundations itself. We're therefore moving from Beta to Release Candidate (RC) versions, and RC 1 of 5.00 is now available for download. As you can imagine, we're not adding major new features at this late stage, and are concentrating our efforts on fixes and smaller improvements. You can find the changelog in our forums.

X4: Tides of Avarice - content creator videos incoming!
If you're not afraid of spoilers, you'll no doubt be excited to hear that the first videos featuring X4: Tides of Avarice content will be hitting the web tomorrow. A curated group of content creators has been given access to the closed beta version of X4: Tides of Avarice a few weeks ago, and have been playing this not-yet-final version. Starting from tomorrow, March 1, 2pm CET (1pm GMT / 8am EST / 5am PST), these content creators will be allowed to upload their videos. Keep your eyes peeled - or give them a wide berth, if you prefer!

Thanks a lot for the support in the beta testing phase!

How do I take part in the Public Beta?
Every player who owns X4: Foundations has the opportunity to download the new 5.00 beta version. In order to ensure that beta participants are aware of the risks and rules involved, we ask all interested players to visit our forum, where they will find the rules and disclaimers, as well as practical instructions for participating in the beta. Follow this link to our forum (no registration required) to find the relevant information.
posted by Gregory
23.Feb.22 X4: Foundations 5.00 Beta 6 now available  (86 Comentarios)
Today we have yet another new beta version of the upcoming big 5.00 update for X4: Foundations for you. 5.00 Beta 6 is now available for download, and you can find the changelog in our forums.

As you may have already seen, we recently announced the release date for the 5.00 update and the new expansion X4: Tides of Avarice. Both the new expansion and the free update will be available from March 14, 2022. If you'd like to support us, X4: Tides of Avarice is now available for pre-purchase on Steam and GOG.

If you're into the music of the X universe, there's another important date for you this week. That's because on Friday, February 25, we're releasing the soundtrack to X4: Tides of Avarice. You can listen to the preview on our YouTube channel and then add the soundtrack to your wishlist.

How do I take part in the Public Beta?
Every player who owns X4: Foundations has the opportunity to download the new 5.00 beta version. In order to ensure that beta participants are aware of the risks and rules involved, we ask all interested players to visit our forum, where they will find the rules and disclaimers, as well as practical instructions for participating in the beta. Follow this link to our forum (no registration required) to find the relevant information.

Thank you for your participation!
posted by Gregory
18.Feb.22 X4: Oleadas de Avaricia y la actualización 5.00 serán lanzadas el 14 de Marzo  (0 Comentarios)
Hoy, nos emociona anunciar que X4: Oleadas de Avaricia, nuestra más nueva expansión para X4: Foundations, estará disponible desde el 14 de Marzo, 2022, junto con la extensa actualización 5.00 para el juego base.

El encontrar e interactuar con antes desconocidas, facciones de piratas sin ley y de recolectores, cambiará su percepción del orden social y la justicia en el universo X. En los nuevos sectores y regiones peligrosos, no solo descubrirán nuevas naves y estaciones, sino también encontrarán fenómenos estelares los cuales influenciarán sus planes y acciones considerablemente. ¿Qué es y quienes son los misteriosos manipuladores que han logrado adiestrar a este raro y vital recurso? Su viaje les llevará hacia las respuestas a estas preguntas. Despeguen y descubran un nuevo capitulo de X4: Foundations.

X4: Oleadas de Avaricia estará disponible para descargar el 14 de Marzo, 2022 desde las 6pm CET [5pm GMT / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT]. Para más detalles, visiten la página en Steam de la expansión, donde podrán pre-comprar X4: Oleadas de Avaricia o añadirla a su lista de deseos.

Para más información sobre la actualización 5.00 de X4: Foundations, visiten el Centro de Noticias de Steam o www.egosoft.com.

En los días antes del lanzamiento, podrán esperar lo siguiente:
  • 25 de Febrero, 2022: lanzamiento de la banda sonora de X4: Oleadas de Avaricia
  • 1 de Marzo, 2022: primeras vistas previas de la prensa de X4: Oleadas de Avaricia y videos grabados de los creadores de contenido.
  • 7 de Marzo, 2022: primeras reseñas de la prensa y transmisiones en vivo de X4: Oleadas de avaricia
  • 7 de Marzo 2022: lanzamiento del trailer de X4: Oleadas de Avaricia
  • 14 de Marzo, 2022: día de lanzamiento de X4: Oleadas de Avaricia
¡Muchas gracias por su apoyo, y gracias por estar con nosotros durante este viaje!
posted by Gregory
16.Feb.22 X4: Foundations 5.00 Beta 5 now available  (86 Comentarios)
We have continued to work diligently on the upcoming 5.00 update for X4: Foundations over the past week, and today we are releasing another new beta version for you. 5.00 Beta 5 is now available for download. You can find the changelog in our forum.

How do I take part in the Public Beta?
Every player who owns X4: Foundations has the opportunity to download the new 5.00 beta version. In order to ensure that beta participants are aware of the risks and rules involved, we ask all interested players to visit our forum, where they will find the rules and disclaimers, as well as practical instructions for participating in the beta. Follow this link to our forum (no registration required) to find the relevant information.

Thank you for your participation!
posted by Gregory
14.Feb.22 Evento de Ofertas Juegos de Alemania
Nos emociona el poder ser parte del evento de ofertas en Steam, Juegos de Alemania, el cual empieza hoy. Podrán encontrar muchos fantásticos juegos de Alemania, y muchas ofertas atractivas, en la página dedicada del evento de Steam. ¡Echen un vistazo y descubran qué es lo que el país origen de Egosoft les puede ofrecer en juegos para la CP!

Durante el evento podrán ahorrar hasta 50% en la compra de nuestro juego más reciente X4: Foundations, 30% en la compra de la expansión X4: Venganza Split, y 20% en la compra de la expansión X4: Cuna de la Humanidad.

Si quieren añadir la banda sonora a su colección en Steam, echen un vistazo a las bandas sonoras de X4: Foundations, X4: Venganza Split y X4: Cuna de la Humanidad, las cuales tienen un 70% de descuento.

¡Disfruten el descubrir los mejores y más nuevos juegos de Alemania en el evento de Steam!
posted by Gregory
09.Feb.22 X4: Foundations 5.00 Beta 4 now available  (86 Comentarios)
We are fast approaching the release of the big 5.00 update for X4: Foundations and, as you might already have been expecting, we have an update of the beta for you again this week. 5.00 Beta 4 is now available for download. You can find the changelog for beta 4 in our forums.

How do I take part in the Public Beta?
Every player who owns X4: Foundations has the opportunity to download the new 5.00 beta version. In order to ensure that beta participants are aware of the risks and rules involved, we ask all interested players to visit our forum, where they will find the rules and disclaimers, as well as practical instructions for participating in the beta. Follow this link to our forum (no registration required) to find the relevant information.

Thank you for your participation!
posted by Gregory
07.Feb.22 X4: Oleadas de Avaricia - Vista previa de la Banda Sonora  (0 Comentarios)
Los sistemas Avaricia y Fortuna de los Cielos resuenan con los sonidos de los piratas y los recolectores. Creada por Alexei Zakharov, compositor y productor de las bandas sonoras de las serie de juegos X, la banda sonora de X4: Oleadas de Avaricia les invita a ser parte de lo desconocido y ver al universo X desde nuevas perspectivas.

>> X4: Oleadas de Avaricia - Vista previa de la Banda Sonora <<

Esta vista previa les trae una probada de las primeras ocho de dieciséis pistas en el álbum. La banda sonora de X4: Oleadas de Avaricia estará disponible en Steam y GOG el 25 de Febrero, 2021. Esta también estará disponible en las distintas plataformas de transmisión, incluyendo Spotify, Youtube Music, Apple Music, etc.

Añadan hoy la banda sonora de X4: Oleadas de Avaricia a su lista de deseos.
posted by Gregory
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