![](/img/yellowgradient.gif) |
![](/img/yellowgradient.gif) |
![](/img/content_X3TC_logo.gif) |
Total |
Original |
Modified |
Total profiles submitted: |
3,492 |
2,645 |
847 |
Total ships: |
965,808 |
808,335 |
157,473 |
Total stations: |
587,153 |
508,859 |
78,294 |
Total cash: |
1,203,258,163,098 Cr |
969,200,465,656 Cr |
234,057,697,442 Cr |
Total assets: |
17,536,211,669,446 Cr |
15,898,847,198,561 Cr |
1,637,364,470,885 Cr |
Total time played: |
205y 11m 2d 01:00:37 |
170y 1m 19d 00:18:03 |
35y 9m 13d 00:42:34 |
Total way travelled: |
370,124,881 km |
304,291,425 km |
65,833,456 km |
Original games |
Modified games |
Overview of all uploaded statistics. Only data from un-modified savegames will enter the toplists though! |
Ultimo Screenshot
X4: Foundations |
X Rebirth |