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27.Apr.23 Update 6.00 HF 2 now available  (59 评论)
It has been two weeks since we released the significant 6.00 update and the X4: Kingdom End expansion. We wholeheartedly thank you for your support. The release day of 6.00 and X4: Kingdom End marked the most successful day for X4 since its original release in November 2018. Not only that, during the weekends following the 6.00 release, over 10,000 players have been playing X4 simultaneously. This phenomenal response delights us, and we are thrilled that our dedicated efforts over the past months and years have been well received.

We have just released Hotfix 2 for version 6.00, which addresses several issues, including pathing problems with an X4: Kingdom End mission in "Sanctuary of Darkness." Please review the complete changelog provided below, and we hope you continue to enjoy both 6.00 and X4: Kingdom End.

6.00 Hotfix 2
  • Fixed Queen's Herald gamestart not being unlocked by default.
  • Fixed The High Road mission not being offered if Boron story is set to complete in Creative Custom gamestart.
  • Fixed Repair Ship disappearing in Terran Secret Service story.
  • Fixed Hatikvah Arms Delivery mission not proceeding when delivering ships during Boron Plot.
  • Fixed Menelaus' Reminiscence getting stuck in hazardous region at end of The High Road mission.
  • Fixed The High Road mission not accepting temporary player ship back if provided consumables were used.
  • Fixed Geometric Owl being trapped in wrong position in Torus during Torus Aeternal mission of Pioneer Terraforming story.
  • Fixed suitless Boron sometimes being client for various missions.
  • Fixed Friends in Low Places achievement not triggering.
  • Fixed wrecks in Sanctuary of Darkness being destroyed and not awarding achievement.
  • Fixed hull damage from "thunder" region in Sanctuary of Darkness.
  • Fixed selection of navigation beacons for HQ warping not working in some gamestarts.
  • Fixed excessive explosive asteroids being created over time.
  • Fixed missing population numbers in most Boron systems.
  • Fixed missing illegal wares for Boron faction.
  • Fixed rare case of game incorrectly being detected as "modified" when entering Jupiter system.
  • Fixed freeze when changing graphics settings with game installed on very fast drive.
  • Fixed missing voice lines for English, French and German.
  • Fixed screen going black towards end of loading certain savegames.
  • Fixed specific case of stuttering.
posted by Gregory
19.Apr.23 Multiverse Team Seasons: Public Beta now available  (133 评论)
Our new Multiverse Team Seasons Public Beta is ready for you to test. In this evolution of the earlier ventures feature you will get access to multiverse ships, and other exclusive rewards, by joining a coalition and embarking on exciting asynchronous team-based operations. With the brand-new Multiverse Team Seasons we're expanding the social aspect of X4: Foundations. You can now join a coalition, interact with your teammates and, most importantly, pursue a common goal as a team.

>> Youtube.com/Egosoft - Multiverse Team Seasons Explanation
>> Multiverse Team Seasons Public Beta Forum

Please find an extensive FAQ and step-by-step guide below.

Earn team loot, such as exclusive limited ships
At the end of a successful Season, loot will be distributed among your team. Rewards can include exclusive ships and paint mods, not available elsewhere.

The Yasur (pictured above) is a light fighter that will amaze you with its agility and speed. But don't let its small size mislead you; for a ship of this class, it is extremely well-armed and powerful. You can expect Multiverse Team Seasons reward ships to have quite an impact, so you'll only be able to have a limited number of them in your game, and no blueprints will be available.

Every player joining a team will earn at least one ship at the end of a Season, but the better your team the more loot you can gain!

Warning: any savegames created with this Multiverse Team Seasons Public Beta will NOT be compatible with the current public version of X4 (6.00).

How do I join?
We've prepared a step-by-step guide to explain how to join the Multiverse Team Seasons Public Beta. It is included beneath this FAQ section.

How are Teams and Coalitions formed?
To join a Season for the first time, you will need to choose which Coalition you want to side with. Coalitions are political groups in the X multiverse, and to start with there will be a choice of two. When choosing one coalition over the other, you will be deciding who your enemies are.

The next step is to choose your inner circle, in other words your Team. Teams are groups of players who have all joined the same Coalition, and who will pursue a common team goal by playing missions or online Ventures.

Building a Team can be as simple as joining a random one, or alternatively you can set up a party and invite friends. You will be able to send invitations to your friends, so that you will end up in the same Team, but any remaining free slots within that Team will be filled up automatically with other players.

How does my Team win? How is the score tracked?
By completing Ventures in the Operational Goal chapter, you will earn Team Shares. These will count towards the Season score, not only for your Team, but also for the Coalition you are associated with. At the end of the Season, the accumulated rewards are handed out to the Team - it's loot time! The more successful you, your Team, and your Coalition were during the Season, the more interesting the loot.

What does a Season look like? How long will a Season last? What can I get out of it?
During this Public Beta, a Season will last for approximately two months. During this time, players will play to increase their rank within a Team, as well as globally within their Coalition, and to achieve common goals. By contributing to your Coalition's win during a given Season, you can gain access to unique multiverse ships.

A Season is broken down into Operations; you can think of an Operation like a chapter in the overall story of a Season. Each Operation offers a selection of missions and online Ventures.

What are online Ventures? How do I play during a Season?
Each Season brings with it new missions, similar to those you know from the X4: Foundations plot. The Season also offers online Ventures, which are played by sending your ships into the multiverse. Ships at your Venture Dock can jump into the multiverse to visit other players' universes. Online Ventures can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours to complete. During a single online Venture, your ship may travel to many different players' universes. These online Ventures are essentially tasks that your ship executes while in these universes, and can include attacks against opposing players. For example, your ships might attack stations or ships belonging to your rival Coalition, or they might support your own Coalition's forces.

Both local missions, that you play by yourself, and online Ventures can increase your standing within your Team, and may also increase your Team's chances of earning more loot at the end of the Season.

The Operation Overview menu shows which missions and online Ventures (marked with a red "v" icon) are available to play. You can also see which Ventures are currently being played by your teammates on the Multiverse Map.

Will I be able to play an unlimited number of online Ventures per Season?
There is no fixed limit; the limiting factor is the time taken by each online Venture. A single Venture Dock can only host a single ship at any one time, so if an online Venture takes an hour, the dock is blocked for that length of time. By using Brane Fuel, you can accelerate your Venture and finish them faster.

What is Brane Fuel, and how does it work?
Brane Fuel is a resource that your ships can mine in the multiverse. Brane Fuel can then be invested to accelerate your Venture, helping to complete them faster.

Will Multiverse Team Seasons feature stories or generic missions?
Yes! The idea is that each online Season can bring new stories, and new unique items, including exciting ships and upgrades.

Why can't I join Multiverse Team Seasons with my modified savegame?
Multiverse Team Seasons are a competitive activity, allowing you to make use of some of your achievements in your local universe to help in your online fight against other players. For this reason, we cannot allow modified games that potentially change the game balance, or give a player an unfair advantage.

As mentioned in the build up to the 6.00 release, we are looking into signing a selection of popular quality-of-life mods, so that activating these won't flag your game as "modified" any longer, and thus would give you access to Multiverse Team Seasons. This, however, is an ongoing process, and we will update you on it as decisions are made.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause some players, but we would like to encourage everyone to try out the Multiverse Team Seasons with an unmodified savegame. This does not prevent you from playing modified games in offline mode.

Step-by-step guide on how to join the Multiverse Team Seasons (Public Beta)

Step 0: During the Public Beta phase - join the mts_public_beta

  • Make sure that your savegames are backed up!
  • To start using the Public Beta version, right-click X4: Foundations in the Steam client
  • Select Properties and go to the Betas tab
  • Enter the password IBackedUpMyOfflineSaves
  • Select mts_public_beta from the dropdown list
  • To return to using the non-Beta version, select NONE from the same dropdown list
  • Make sure that your savegames are backed up!
  • Select X4: Foundations in your GOG Galaxy game collection
  • Click on the "Settings" icon
  • Click "manage installation" and "configure"
  • Select "Add Private Channels" in the Beta Channels options
  • Enter the password for the "MTS Public Beta" channel: IBackedUpMyOfflineSaves
  • Select the "MTS Public Beta" channel
  • To return to using the non-Beta version, click on the "Channel" dropdown and select "default"
Step 1: Create an Egosoft forum account and register your game
Create an Egosoft (forum) account at https://forum.egosoft.com/
Afterwards, register your game by following these platform specific instructions:

- Steam: Visit https://forum.egosoft.com/ucp.php?i=-egosoft-settings-ucp-gamereg_module&mode=gamereg and click the "Sign in through Steam" button. Follow the process and sign in using your Steam account. Your copy of X4 should automatically show up in the list of game registration codes.

- GOG: Visit https://www.gog.com/account and click on X4. Navigate to "more" and "Serial Keys" to find the serial key you will need to register your purchase. Continue on to https://forum.egosoft.com/ucp.php?i=-egosoft-settings-ucp-gamereg_module&mode=gamereg and enter the serial key you found on GOG.com into the "Game Registration Code" field at the bottom. Click "Submit" to register your game. Your copy of X4 will afterwards show up in the list of game registration codes.

Step 2: Enable the Multiverse Team Seasons updating mechanism in X4: Foundations
In the X4 main menu, visit the "Online Features" menu and enable the "Check for Downloads" entry. This must be enabled for the automatic updating mechanism to download and verify the Multiverse Team Seasons data on gamestart.

Step 3: Log in using your Egosoft (forum) account
In the X4 main menu, select "Online Features" and log in using your Egosoft forum username and password.

Step 4: Load any of your existing (unmodified) X4 savegames or start a new game

Step 5: Build a Venture Dock and Venture Platform on a station
Building the dock is a relatively cheap and quick process, and once it is finished you have a shiny new Venture Dock. You can visit the Venture Platform from any elevator on this station, and from there you can see and control the dock.

Step 6: Convert your savegame to an online save
Selecting the "Show Multiverse Map" button in your game will trigger a message asking you to convert your savegame into an online save. This is mandatory to participate in Multiverse Team Seasons. There can be only one online save at a time on your account.

Step 7: Join a Coalition
This is as simple as pressing a button, but you should first read what each Coalition has to offer for this season. The stories and rewards shown here can change from season to season.

Step 8: Join or create a Team
Joining a Team can be as simple as clicking on the Join Random Team button, but you can also choose to create a party or accept invitations from your friends, in order to play with people you know.

You are now all set and ready to play local missions, as well as online Ventures with your teammates, and battle for the rewards the multiverse has to offer.
posted by Gregory
12.Apr.23 《X4:王国末路》和主要6.00更新现已发布

我们会同时推出两个新的X4捆绑包来庆祝这场X宇宙中所有熟悉物种的聚会:虽然 Community of Planets Edition的珍贵程度不言自明,但它只包括游戏内容,现在我们有一张新珍藏版的摘要图,向您展示其中包含的内容:
你可以在新的捆绑包页面上找到更多详细的描述X4:the Community of Planets Edition。我们提前感谢您的支持与厚爱!

6.00 版本更新

? X TECH 5
在结合一个新的图形引擎和几个重大的视觉改进(详情见下文),以及一个新的、更强大的物理引擎的性能和功能改进的同时,我们还保持 X4 的保存游戏兼容性。

? 新的物理引擎
《X4:基石》给你一个体验到太空的快感的机会。多亏其中 Jolt Physics 与 X TECH 5 的融合。无论你是在小行星群中航行,还是在空间站对接,或是参与战斗,Jolt Physics都为游戏的每一瞬间增加了新的真实感和沉浸感。当你驾驶你的飞船时,你会感受到加速和减速的全部力量,每一次碰撞都会产生切实的影响。除了增强整体游戏体验外,Jolt Physics 的整合还为 X TECH 5 带来了性能和功能上的改进。

? 改善的照明
X TECH 5 中新的照明引擎的主要功能是改善太空中自然的太阳光。更鲜艳的颜色,更强的太阳,以及更广泛的照明气氛模式。X TECH 5 为我们提供了能实现这个目标的许多新的工具。

? 视差遮挡贴图的介绍
随着视差遮挡贴图的加入,X TECH 5 的特点是允许我们为游戏中的表面增加额外的细节和深度。这种效果是通过使用一种特殊类型的质地来实现的,这种质地对表面的高度和形状的信息进行编码,最后用来创造 3D 深度和细节的幻觉。从玩家的角度来看,你可以期待看到游戏中表面的真实性和沉浸感明显的改善,因为视差遮挡贴图让我们能够增加以前无法实现的微妙细节和深度。

? 阵地防守
6.00 版更新中的新阵地防守功能允许玩家在保持其精简的支持结构的同时,让一个由航母领导的舰队保卫多个地点。舰队中的各个下属小组可以被分配到保护特定地点,并将在该地区巡逻,直到需要返回航母进行维修或补给。另外,这些下属小组可以被设置为支持遇到威胁的舰队中的其他小组。这允许用一支舰队对多个地点进行灵活和活跃的防御。我们迫不及待地想让你试试这个新功能,看看它如何增强你的游戏体验。

? 实时观察镜头模式
实时观察是 《X4:基石》 中一种全新的视角模式,让你更加接近战斗。一旦通过点击F6激活,实时观察模式让你实时观看游戏中有趣的事件和场景的发展。无论是壮观的太空战,熙熙攘攘的太空站,还是美丽的星云,这个新模式应有尽有。实时观察模式最佳的一点就是能在不同场景之间自动切换,因此你永远不必担心会错过行动。你可以坐下来,放松,享受表演,让我们新的视角模式会带你游览游戏中最有趣的时刻。

6.00 版本更新 - 完整版更新日志
posted by Gregory
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